Business Overview

NIFRA has a set of established key business processes guided by the well-drafted policies, guidelines & manuals; required for its smooth operation. Well experienced teams in the Bank are involved in:

  • Deal identification
  • Sector and project screening for creation of robust project pipeline
  • Project appraisal
  • Documentation and disbursement, and
  • Monitoring and control; for generating and maintaining healthy business portfolio. 

The business team, in coordination with various stakeholders, identifies infrastructure projects having potentials of commercial viability and positive socio-economic impact, which are expected to be developed across sectors and engaged with the developers for possible implementation from the project inception, planning, constructing, control/monitoring till the project handover. A rigorous risks management function is synchronized with every bit of business activity, perfected by an independent professional team for the sanity check of each of the business decision making. Further, a separate and well-equipped team supports for regular project administration activities including onsite/offsite supervision.